Incoming webhooks

The Incoming webhooks feature lets you capture webhooks and trigger actions within your Partnero account.

With this feature, you can send webhooks from your application directly to Partnero to create partners, customers, and transactions.

How it works

  1. In your program, go to Integration → Webhooks tab → Incoming Webhooks.
  2. Click Create an incoming webhook.

In the modal, you will find two unique URLs:

  • Test URL: Use this URL while setting up the webhook. Simply trigger your webhook to this URL and select an action from the “Actions” dropdown menu. After triggering an event, you’ll have the option to map data fields from the webhook’s payload.
  • Production URL: This is your production URL. Once setup is complete, send real data to this URL. Any data sent to this endpoint will be processed and created within your Partnero account.

Once you’ve finished mapping the fields, create the incoming webhook. When you're ready, start sending data to the Production URL.