Enable PayPal Mass Pay on PayPal

Once your program begins to grow, you may want a more efficient way to pay your affiliates. With PayPal Mass Payments you can pay up to 5000 affiliates at one time. 

You'll first need to enable Mass Payments on your PayPal account.
Please note you need a PayPal business account to use this feature. Click here for more information. 

To enable PayPal Mass Payments on your PayPal account:

  1. Log in to your PayPal Business account.
  2. Click on Developer at the top right corner of the page to access PayPal Developer Website.
  3. Click on My Account in the top right corner:
  4. Look for the Payouts option and click Enable:
  5. Fill out the application form. The application may take a few days for PayPal to process. The status will change to "Submitted" and then to a green checkmark once the application is approved.

That's it! You can now either: