How to create a transaction

You may need to manually create a transaction for a customer (e.g. if the customer or your partner forgot to use the affiliate link and the transaction was not created automatically).

Note: If the customer is not created as well, you will first need to create the customer. Read more on how to do it here.

To create a transaction:

  1. Login to Partnero.
  2. Navigate to Customers under Reporting and management.

  3. Find the customer that needs the transaction to be created (you can search by name or email address).

  4. Click on the customer to open their profile view.

  5. In the customer profile click Create transaction next to the Transaction history block:

  6. Enter the transaction key, amount and the action (e.g. Sale):Notes:
    The transaction key should be a unique key associated with your application or payment provider.
    The transaction amount should be the full amount that was spent by the customer. The resulting reward will be calculated automatically.

  7. Click Create.