Integrate Shopify

Partnero Affiliate Management app is made for businesses that use Shopify as their e-commerce platform.  The integration lets you connect your Shopify store with Partnero to run and manage affiliate or refer-a-friend programs. Automatically track purchases made by referred clients and attribute rewards.

When connecting Partnero to your Shopify store, you can select one program - affiliate or referral.

How to install the Partnero Affiliate Management app

To install the app:

  1. Go to Partnero Affiliate Management app and click Install:
  2. Click Install again:
  3. This will take you to your Partnero account. Choose the program you'd like to connect and click Connect. You can connect an affiliate or a referal program.
    If you haven't created any programs yet, you'll be asked to create one. Enter the main details of your affiliate program and click Create. Don't worry, you'll be able to change these later.
  4. The app is connected successfully. 

That's it! Now, every time someone visits your store through a referral link and makes a purchase, the transaction will be tracked on Partnero and a corresponding reward will be generated.