Integrate Shopify

Partnero Affiliate Management app is made for businesses that use Shopify as their e-commerce platform.  The integration lets you connect your Shopify store with Partnero to run and manage affiliate and refer-a-friend programs. Automatically track purchases made by referred clients and attribute rewards.

How to install the Partnero Affiliate Management app

To install the app:

  1. Go to Partnero Affiliate Management app and click Install:
  2. Click Install again:
  3. This will take you to your Partnero account. Choose the program you'd like to connect and click Connect. You can connect both, affiliate and refer-a-friend programs.
    If you haven't created any programs yet, you'll be asked to create one. Enter the main details of your affiliate program and click Create. Don't worry; you'll be able to change these later.
  4. That's it! To confirm the connection has been successful, you can go to Integrations and check for the "Connected" message next to Shopify: