Advanced links

What are advanced links?

The advanced links feature allows you to:

  • Create additional referral links that point to specific pages on your website other than the homepage, and
  • Add external links to promote different websites via the same affiliate program.

How to set up advanced links

  1. Login to Partnero and open the program you'd like to work with.
  2. Go to Settings under Program and scroll down to the Advanced links section:
  3. Click Manage Links.

To connect various pages from your main website:

Under Multiple links, enter the URL of the page you'd like your referral links to point to and click Save:

To add other domains:

Under External links, enter the URL of the website you'd like to connect and click Save:

Important:  External websites must also contain the Partnero Universal tracking script in order for us to be able to track visits. The tracking script can be found under Program > Integration and must be inserted before the closing </head> tag in the HTML code of any external websites connected here.

If you'd like to also track signups and sales on external websites, the full integration needs to be done. Read more.

Once any links have been added, you'll be able to see them under Advanced links:

Your affiliate partners will automatically have separate affiliate links to all websites you add. The links can be accessed under the Partner portal Resources tab: