Disable sign up or program introduction pages

What is a sign-up page?

The sign-up page is a page on your partner portal where new affiliates can sign up to become partners. You can disable the signup page if you'd like to have your program invite-only or if you'd like to pause new signups temporarily.

What is a program page?

The program page is a landing page hosted by Partnero dedicated to promoting your affiliate program. This feature is optional; you can promote the program on your website. In such a case, you can make Partnero's program page inaccessible. Read more about program pages.

How to disable sign-up or program pages

  1. Open the program you'd like to work with.
  2. Under Partner portal > Appearance tab > Global, scroll down to the Behaviour section:
  3. Depending on your needs, toggle Disable registrations via the Partner portal or Disable Affiliate program introduction page. Click Update.