Customize signup and login pages

With Partnero you can customize every aspect of your Partner portal, including the Signup and Login pages.

Signup page

  1. Log in to Partnero.
  2. Navigate to Programs and choose the program you’d like to work with. 
  3. On the left sidebar, click on Partner Portal under Affiliate.
  4. Navigate to Content tab, Public pages, and then Sign-up page:

Here you’ll find the following sections:

  • Page details - add a title and description to welcome your new partners.
  • Registration form - choose what fields will be required to register for your program. Default fields include name, last name, email address, and password. You can add more fields if you’d like.
  • Terms of use - add a link to your partner program terms. Once added, a checkbox will be shown under the registration form. Partners will have to check the box to proceed with the registration.
  • Marketing consent (optional) - allows collecting marketing permissions for sending marketing newsletters to your partners. Once the text is entered into this field, a checkbox will appear under your signup form.
  • Security (optional) - enable Google ReCatchpa and protect your partner portal from bot attacks.
  • Layout - choose the Sidebar placement, form width and upload the background image.
Tip! While building the Signup page, have your Partner portal open in a separate tab. Every time you click Update on Partnero, refresh the Partner portal to see the changes reflected immediately. Explore all options and find what you like!

Login page

  1. On the left sidebar, click on Partner Portal under Affiliate.
  2. Navigate to Content tab, Public pages, and then Log-in page:

Here you’ll find the following sections:

  • Page details - add a title and description to welcome your partners.
  • Layout - choose the Sidebar placement, Form width and upload the background image.