Customize the referral portal

The referral portal can be customized with your colors, text, and many other settings. We'll go through all of them in this article.
For the referral portal to be active, it must be enabled first. Read more.


The Settings tab contains information on the general referral portal and other settings.
It contains three sections: General, Custom, SEO and in-site widget

General section

Here, you can add the referral portal name and connect a custom portal domain. Read more.

Default page setting allows you to choose where you want your main referral portal link to lead to:

  • program page,
  • login page, or
  • sign-up page.

Fallback URL is a backup link where customers will be redirected when the traffic cannot reach the main page for some reason.

Remember to click Update if you make any changes!

Additional Settings allow you to:

  • Disable registrations via the Referral portal
    When disabled, joining your referral program through the portal will not be possible for anyone.
  • Disable Referral program introduction page
    When disabled, the program introduction page will become inaccessible.
  • Enable Partnero branding on the portal
    When enabled, Partnero branding will be shown on the portal and you will automatically participate in our Affiliate program.

Custom section

Custom code: Here, you can insert custom code into the header or the page of your referral portal.

Security:  enable Google Recaptcha by adding Site and Secret keys. Google reCAPTCHA is a fraud detection service that stops bots and other automated attacks while approving valid users. Read more.

Contact information: add contact details, such as email address or phone number. The information added here will be visible to your customers on the referral portal.

SEO section

SEO: add a page title, keywords, and description for search engine optimization.

Trackers: add Google trackers or Facebook pixel ID for additional tracking.

In-site widget

Here, you can customize the in-site widget, including the colors, icon, and positioning.

Read more about how to embed the in-site widget.


Appearance tab is where you can customize the referral portal branding:

  • add logo, symbol, and favicon;
  • select your font family and main brand color;
  • choose styling elements (background, text, and link colors), and add images;
  • select layout style and other color options:


Content tab is dedicated to adding your copy and customizing text across the referral portal.

Log-in page section

Add a title and description for the login page.

Sign-up page section

Page details: add the title and description for the sign-up page.

Registration form: add additional fields to the portal registration form.

Terms of Use: link to your referral program ToS. When added, a checkbox with a link will appear on the signup page.

Marketing consent: collect marketing permissions. When text is added, a checkbox will be showing on the signup page.

Program page section

Here you can build the program page for promoting your referral program. Add title and description, choose whether you'd like to show sign-up and log-in links on the page.

Page content is where you can build the rest of the page by adding various resources, such as:

  • content blocks;
  • text;
  • images;
  • faq;
  • links.

Don't forget to click Update after you make any changes!

Portal dashboard section

Here, you can decide what will be included in the referral portal dashboard:

  • Include stats: display stats about referred friends.
  • Include sharing via link section: when enabled, customers can see their referral link.
  • Include sharing via email section: when enabled, customers will be able to invite their friends by sending an email.
  • Include unlocked rewards section: when enabled, unlocked reward will be displayed.
  • Include reward history section: when enabled, customers will be able to see their referral history.