WooCommerce coupons

What are coupons?

Coupon marketing is a strategy that uses discounts and other incentives to encourage consumers to purchase. Digital coupons can be redeemed online or in-store, and they typically offer a percentage discount, free shipping, or other type of bonus. 

Partnero and WooCommerce integration allows you to connect and synchronize coupons between WooCommerce and Partnero. There are two ways to do that:

  1. Create coupons on Partnero and sync with WooCommerce or
  2. Create coupons on WooCommerce and sync with Partnero.


The following steps are required to use this feature:

  1. Open the program you've connected and go to Integration > Apps & Integrations.
  2. Click Authorize next to WooCommerce Coupons:
  3. Enter your Site URL, Consumer Key, and Consumer Secret. Click Authorize:
WooCommerce Coupon integration can be used independently of the main WooCommerce integration. If you want to track coupons only, WooCommerce Coupon integration is sufficient.

If you'd like to track all referred transactions, then the  main WooCommerce integration is also required.

Create coupons on Partnero and sync with WooCommerce

This option allows you to create new coupon codes directly on Partnero. After you create the codes, they are automatically synced with your WooCommerce account.

  1. Open your affiliate program on Partnero.
  2. Go to Coupons under Program.
  3. Click New Coupon and select New WooCommerce coupon from the dropdown:
  4. Set up the desired coupon structure and click Create.
  5. Open the Coupons section on WooCommerce - you should also see the newly created coupon there:

Create coupons on WooCommerce and sync with Partnero

This option lets you create new coupon codes on WooCommerce and sync them with your Partnero account.

Once you integrate WooComerce and Partnero, WooCommerce will automatically send all required data to Partnero. When you create a coupon on WooCommerce, it will automatically be synced with Partnero and appear under Program > Coupons.

Here's how to create a coupon on WooCommerce.

Sync existing WooCommerce coupons with Partnero

If you already have coupons on Stripe, you can sync them with Partnero:

  1. Go to Coupons under Program.
  2. Click Sync coupons and select Sync WooCommerce coupons:
  3. You should now see a list of WooCommerce coupons on Partnero.

 Now that your coupons are ready, it's time to set up promotion codes!