Integrate a Refer-a-friend program

The Refer-a-friend program integration goal is to track referred customer visits, sign-ups, and purchases (transactions). 

We recommend using Partnero Universal integration. Instructions can be found on the Integration page:

Here are the requirements for a smooth integration process:
  • your website needs to be hosted under your domain; 
  • you need to have access to edit the website’s or app’s HTML form;
  • all forms (including your signup form) must be hosted on your website (not inserted as an iframe using another domain or service).

1. Identify referred customers

To identify referred customers:
  • Partnero Universal Snippet: Add the Partnero Universal snippet to the <head></head> tags of all pages on your website. This snippet tracks visitors arriving via referral links by creating a cookie with the referring customer's key.
How it works: Once someone visits your website via a referral link, the Partnero Universal snippet will create a cookie under your domain with a referring customer key. 

2. Track sign-ups

The second step tracks signups and creates customers on your website and Partnero account. 
  • Signup tracking: Insert the signup tracking snippet at the bottom of your signup form page. This snippet works with the Universal snippet to identify referred visitors and create new customer entries in Partnero.
How it works: This particular snippet monitors your form signups. Once the form is submitted, the script checks the submission and checks if a Partnero cookie with a referring customer key is present. If this data is there, the customer will be created on your Partnero account. Alternatively, if there is no Partnero cookie, the script can identify a referred visitor from the URL.
Once these steps are complete, Partnero will recognize all referred customers and the relationship will be visible on your Partnero account. 

3. Track sales

If you plan to give rewards based on customer sales, it's essential to inform Partnero about every sale. The easiest way to do this is to use Stripe integration, which automatically connects customer transactions.
Stripe can be authorized under Integration > Apps & Integrations:
We also offer a Shopify app - read more here.

API and JavaScript integrations

You can choose Partnero API or Partnero JS integrations to track transactions. Stripe or other payment gateways are not mandatory.

The following section allows you to create API keys to send data between your application and Partnero. 

The API integration can perform the following actions:

  • Create a referring customer;
  • Create a referred customer;
  • Display customer data on your application;
  • Create transactions.
Please see our detailed REST API guide with examples here.


The Webhooks section allows you to create webhooks for various actions within your program.

To create a webhook:

  1. Go to Integration under Program.
  2. Click Create webhook:
  3. Enter the webhook name and the End-point URL:
  4. Select what events you'd like to send. You can choose from the following events:
    transaction deleted
  5. Click Create.

Third-party integrations

The final section on the Integration page allows you to use our pre-made integrations with 3rd party apps, such as Zapier, MailerLite, Stripe and others.