Payout analytics

Payout analytics section allows you to see various metrics about your program payouts and rewards.

To access Payout analytics:

  1. Log in to Partnero.
  2. Choose the program you'd like to work with.
  3. Navigate to Payouts under Finances.
  4. Switch to the Analytics tab:

How to analyze reports

Once you've opened the Analytics page, you'll find the following metrics:

  • Payout requests - the total number of payout requests received.
  • Approved requests - the number of approved pending requests, followed by the number of payouts request that are waiting for approval.
  • Avg. customers per request - the average number of referred customers included in a single payout request.
  • Avg. reward per request - the average amount of the reward per payout request.
  • Total amount sent - the total amount of rewards that have been paid to your affiliate partners.
  • Pending amount - the total amount of rewards that have been generated, but have not been requested yet.

The default view will display the Totals. You can customize the view to show specific days, months or years:

Payout insights

The Insights section contains a graph displaying requested and paid rewards per time. You can customize the view to show Yearly, Monthly or Daily metrics, as well as select a specific date range.

Partner activity

Under the Partner activity section you'll find:

  • Partners requesting payouts - the number of partners that have earned commission and requested for it to be paid out.
  • Partners eligible for a payout - the number of partners that have earned commission but may not have requested it yet.
  • Top partners - a list of program partners sorted by how much revenue they have brought in.