Managing payouts

Pending payout requests

When your partners start earning commissions, they can request a payout once the payout threshold is reached. 
To access all pending payout requests:
  1. Go to Program > Overview.
  2. Click Manage payouts under Payout requests.
Alternatively, you can:
  1. Go to Payouts under Finances.
  2. Expand the Filters.
  3. Under Status, select Action required.

Payout request actions

Once you’ve accessed the payout requests list, you can click View details next to individual payout requests. Here you’ll see the payout request form your partner has filled out when submitting the request. 

The information you’ll see will depend on whether you allow bank transfer payouts and Paypal.
For Paypal transfers, the form will display:
- Requested amount
- Full name
- Paypal email address
- Address
For bank transfers, the form will display:
- Account holder
- Country
- Address
- Bank name
- SWIFT/BIC code
You can perform the following actions with a payout request:
  • Approve - payout request is accepted and can be paid out.
  • Reject - payout request is permanently rejected, the partner will not be able to request the same commission to be paid out again.
  • Request resubmit - payout request returned to the partner asking for additional information, e.g. there was an incorrect Paypal email address or IBAN provided. If you click to Resubmit request, you will be prompted to enter the Resubmit reason. Partner will automatically receive an email with the resubmit reason and will be able to edit the payout request form and submit the request again.
Once the payout request has been approved and you’ve processed the payment,  you will be able to mark the payout as paid: