Manage individual partner accounts

To find a partner:

  1. Log in to Partnero and open the program you'd like to work with.
  2. Navigate to Partners under Reporting and management.
  3. Enter the partner’s name or email address in the search field.
  4. Click on the search result to open up their profile:

At the top of the profile you’ll find the main information about the partner:

  • Name and email address
  • Joined date
  • Marketing consent
  • Commission info

By clicking on the three dots at the top right, you’ll find the following options:

  • Edit - change the partner's name and last name, change their login email address, and allow payout requests via bank transfer.
  • Commission settings - allows setting a custom commission rate for this specific partner. Read more about custom commissions.
  • Change password - allows manually setting a new password if the partner is having issues accessing their portal.
  • Suspend - suspends the partner from the program.
  • Delete - deletes the partner account.

Below you’ll find two tabs:

  • Referrals tab contains reporting (clicks, signups, sales, revenue, etc.), referral links, and the list of referrals the partner has brought in.
  • Payouts tab will have the payout history.