How to create a reward

Rewards define how your customers and their referrals will be rewarded. To create a reward, you must first create a program. If you haven't yet, please follow this article to create your program.

Each program can have multiple unique rewards.

Creating rewards

To create a reward:

  1. Open the referral program you'd like to work with.
  2. Go to Rewards under Referral.
  3. Click New reward:
  4. You will be presented with a modal where you'll be able to customize the reward. All settings are explained in detail below. Fill out the modal and click Create.

Reward settings explained

Each reward can be fully customized. We'll go through the available settings.

Reward structure

First, you'll be able to define what kind of reward you'd like to offer and when.

Each reward can be customized using the following settings:

Reward name - enter the name that will help you identify the reward. This name will also be visible to your customers.

Reward trigger - choose what event will trigger the reward. You can choose from the following options:

  • Sale - the reward triggers when there's a transaction;
  • Signup - the reward triggers when there's a signup;
  • Custom - choose any event you'd like to trigger the reward and enter the name and identifier to help us recognize it.

Reward - choose what type of reward you'd like to offer. You can choose from the following options:

  • Commission - monetary fixed or percentage-based rewards;
  • Units - non-monetary units, such as credits or points.
  • General - generic or dynamic coupons, gift cards, e-books and similar.

Further customization varies slightly depending on what reward option you select. For example, commission-type rewards will have currency, while Unit-type rewards allow you to enter the units you'd like to use (e.g., "Credits").

Minimum transaction value defines the smallest transaction amount required to use the reward. For example, if you offer a $50 reward, you may want the reward to be used if the referred customer spends at least $100.

Reward recurrence - here, you can select how many rewards your customer will get from a single referral. For example:
- the customer can receive a single reward when the referral makes a purchase: - receive rewards for all transactions within the first three months:- or receive lifetime rewards:

Rewards review period - this setting allows you to set a specific time period to withhold the reward. This can be useful if you offer, e.g., a 14-day money-back guarantee and would like your customers to receive the reward after this period has passed.

Start of the trigger - set the reward to trigger immediately or after a set time of occurrence. E.g. you can issue a reward to your customer after they get three of their friends to sign up.

End of the trigger - similarly, you can set when the reward should end. This is especially useful if you're creating reward steps and want to offer a higher reward after specific achievements.

Referring customer reward

This section defines what the referring customer will receive. Available options will depend on what Reward type you've chosen.

For Currency and Units rewards, it can be set to:

  • Percentage - rewards the customer with a percentage amount of the transaction, e.g., 15%.
  • Static - rewards the customer with a fixed amount of reward units, e.g., $15 or 15 points.

You can also skip the reward if you'd like to reward the referral only.

If you've selected a General reward model, you'll be able to choose from the following options:

  • Generic coupons - offer a simple fixed coupon, such as 'THANKYOU20'.
  • Dynamic coupons - offer dynamic coupons that are unique for each referral. Important: automatic sync is available for Stripe and Shopify only. Read more about dynamic coupons here.
  • Shopify Gift Card - offer a Shopify gift card (available if the program is connected with your Shopify store).
  • Custom - add custom options, such as downloadable e-books, links to book free consultations, etc.

Referral reward

The last section is the Referral reward. Here, you can define the reward to be given to the person who was referred. It will have the same options as the Referring customer rewards. The options are defined by the Reward model itself - Commission, Units or General rewards.