Creating a lead submission page

What is a lead submission page?

A lead submission page is a page on your partner portal where anyone—partners, affiliates, or other contributors—can submit leads. The lead submission page is available without having to log in to the partner portal so anyone can submit leads.

The page will be hosted under your partner portal domain, /submit page, for example,

Lead submission page design

To review the main branding settings that will be applied to the lead submission page, navigate to  Partner portal > Appearance tab > Branding section. Further customization can be done under the Public pages:

You can choose to customize the page by changing the settings in the modal:

Alternatively, you can use the live editor by clicking Customize in the top right-hand corner of the page:

In the live editor mode, make sure to switch to editing the Leads page:

Enable and customize the lead submission page

To enable the feature and customize the page content:

  1. Go to Partner portal on the left-hand side menu and switch to the Pages & Content tab.
  2. Click on Leads page:
  3. Toggle Enable leads collection:

Further down, you'll find the following sections for page customization.

Page details

Here, you can:

  • enter the page title and description;
  • select between different branding options;
  • choose to include links for partner portal sign-up and log-in, for example:
  • choose to include an additional section where you can promote program benefits, for example:

Commission structure

Next, you'll find the Commission structure section. You can choose to use your existing program commission structure or offer custom rewards for converted leads; for example, offer a fixed commission amount:

Lead form

Lastly, you can customize the submission form:

Click Add field to add more fields to the form and select from the available options:

Then, add the label (question) and, if the field requires, answer options:

Click Update to save your changes!

You can add the following fields:

  • Text: include any text in your form, such as an explanation, additional details, etc.;
  • Input: free-form text question with a field for the submitter to type a short answer to;
  • Textarea: free-form text question with a field for the submitter to type a long answer to;
  • Checkbox: allows to select from one or multiple predefined options;
  • Radio: allows to select one predefined option;
  • Select: allows to select one predefined option from a dropdown;
  • Countries: adds a list of countries to select.

Here's an example of how each field type would look like in a lead submission page:

Confirmation emails

A confirmation email will be sent when:

  • someone submits a lead;
  • a lead is converted;
  • a lead is rejected.

Confirmation emails can be viewed and edited under Emails section: Switch to the Emails tab and scroll down to the Program Leads section. Click the gear icon and then click Edit content to review and edit the emails:

Read more about lead submission process here.

Read more about managing submitted leads here.