Allow bank transfer payouts for individual partners

All affiliate programs on Partnero have default payout settings: you can allow payouts via Paypal only or via Paypal and Bank transfer. These program-level settings can be found under Program > Settings > Other:

However, as a program owner, you may need to allow bank-transfer requests for a few specific partners (e.g. partners residing in countries where Paypal is not available) without enabling it for everyone.
To enable bank-transfer requests for an individual partner:
  1. Log in to Partnero.
  2. Choose the Program you’d like to work with.
  3. Go to Partners under Reporting & Management.
  4. Find the partner by using their name or email address and open their profile by clicking on their name:
  5. Click on the three dots on the right-hand side and click Edit:
  6. Toggle “Allow payout requests using bank transfer”:
  7. Click Update.
That’s it! Now, this specific partner will be able to request a payout via a bank transfer, while other partners will have the program-level settings.