Everything about program emails

There are various email notifications sent to your partners, such as:

  • Partner portal password resets;
  • Approval notifications;
  • Payout notifications;
  • Invitations to join the program;
  • Updates about new signups or sales.
With Partnero you can customize the sender information and the emails themselves.


Navigate to Emails under Partner portal
In the Settings tab, you’ll find the following sections:

Default sender

Sender name      Here you can enter the Sender name that will be displayed in the 'From' field of your recipient's email client.
Sender email All emails are sent from a default domain @partnero.email.  Here you can enter your preferred email prefix (e.g., yourbrand@partnero.email).
Reply-to email This optional field allows you to enter an inbox email address to receive your partners’ replies (e.g., your customer support email address).

Connect your domain for sending emails

Alternatively, you can connect your email domain, e.g., partners@yourdomain.com. There are two options to do that.
Connect your domain through MailerSend
  1. Under Emails, Settings tab, click Setup next to MailerSend:
  2. Enter your MailerSend API token (here’s how to find it).
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Once your domain is successfully connected, you will see it listed as an option under Sender email domain select:
  5. Select the newly connected domain and click Update.
Connect your domain through custom SMTP
  1. Under Emails, Settings tab, click Setup next to SMTP.
  2. Enter your server information, username, password, and the “From” email address.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Once your domain is successfully connected, you will see it listed as an option under Sender email domain select.
  5. Select the newly connected domain and click Update.

Connect your domain through Gmail

Click here to read how to send program emails with Gmail.

Logo and disclaimer

You can add your logo and company information her, which we’ll use to generate your email footer section. The company information is required to comply with the CAN-SPAM Act and international anti-spam laws.

Default Style

Here, you can choose the default styling elements for your emails.

Don't forget to click Update after you make changes!

Review and design program emails

To find all program emails, go to Emails under Partner portal and switch to the E mails tab
All emails have default texts and designs. However, you can change them to fit your brand.
To edit an email:
  1. Click on the gear icon next to the email:
  2. If you’d like, edit the existing subject line.
  3. Click Edit content to view and change the email design:

Tags (variables) in emails

You can use tags (variables) to display dynamic information in your emails. Simply insert the required tag, and we will insert the program or partner information when sending the emails out.
{$program_name} inserts the name of your program, taken from Program > Settings
{$program_email} inserts an email address that your partners can use to contact you, taken from Partner portal > Preferences > Settings
{$program_url} inserts the main website URL, taken from Program > Settings
{$partner_name} inserts the name of the partner
{$partner_email} inserts the email address of the partner
{$password_reset}  inserts a unique password reset link
{$reject_reason}  inserts the rejection reason that is entered when rejecting a partner account

For a detailed breakdown of very program email, click here.