Referred clients threshold for payouts

With Partnero, you can set how many paying referrals an affiliate partner has to have before they can request a payout.

Example: A partner has to have at least three paying referrals to be able to submit a payout request.

To set a referred clients threshold:

  1. Log in to Partnero.
  2. Navigate to Programs and choose the program you’d like to work with.
  3.  Go to Settings under Program, then scroll to the Commission section:
  4. Referred clients threshold will be set to OFF by default. You can choose from the following options when enabling:

    Per payout - sets the number of referred clients in a single payout request. E.g. there has to be a commission generated from at least two different referrals in order to submit a payout request.

    In total - sets the number of referrals that an affiliate partner has to have in total. E.g. an affiliate partner has to earn commission from at least three different referred clients in order to submit a payout request.
  5. Choose the limit option and enter the number.
  6. Click Update to save your changes.