New partner onboarding

With Partnero, you can enable custom onboarding cards for new partners to welcome them to your program and provide important resources. The onboarding process has three main steps:

  1. Welcome message.
  2. My profile review (default).
  3. Closing message.

Set up welcome and closing messages

  1. Open the program you’d like to work with.
  2. Navigate to Partner portal under Affiliate.
  3. Go to Content and then Onboarding (under the Partner dashboard section):

Step 1: Welcome message 
This section contains Title, Message, and Button text fields. Your goal here should be to welcome new partners and tell them more about what they should expect and share important information. Example below:

Step 2: My profile
After the welcome message, your partners will be shown the “My profile” section. Here, they can review and edit any personal information if needed. This step does not include editable sections.

Step 3: Closing message 
This message will be shown at the end as the last step before your partners proceed to the partner portal. You can share tips, your contact details, or anything else you think would be essential or helpful.
Make sure to click Update after you make any changes!

Enable onboarding

Now that your onboarding is ready make sure to enable it:

  1. Go to Settings under Program.
  2. On the General tab, scroll down to the Other section. Toggle “Enable onboarding description for new partners”:
  3. Click Update.


Here's an example of how the onboarding cards look like on the partner portal:

Step 1: Welcome message

Step 2: My profile section

Step 3: Closing message